Sample Preparation Techniques
Fields of Application
FREE Handbook of Sample Preparation & Handling
Laboratory Pellet Press
XP-400 X-Press® (part #3636)
35-ton (31.8 metric ton) hydraulic laboratory pellet press.
- Automated, programmable laboratory Bench-Press®.
- 3-year warranty
- Presses samples in minutes and accepts all standard die sets.
- Safety interlock and automatic pump shut-off safety valve ensure safe operation.
3621 Manual/Press
Full-size 12-ton (10.9 metric ton) Carver hydraulic laboratory pellet press.
- Accepts all SPEX SamplePrep Evacuable Pellet Die Sets.
- Can be operated anywhere in the world, even under the most primitive conditions.
- Economical alternative to motorized presses for labs with a small sample load.
- Hardened steel buffer plate is engraved with concentric circles and enables easy centering of the die.
3622 Manual/Press
Full-size 25-ton (22.7 metric ton) Carver hydraulic laboratory pellet press.
- Accepts all SPEX SamplePrep Evacuable Pellet Die Sets.
- Can be operated anywhere in the world, even under the most primitive conditions.
- Economical alternative to motorized presses for labs with a small sample load.
- Hardened steel buffer plate is engraved with concentric circles and enables easy centering of the die.
3626 Manual/Press
Bench top 12-ton (10.9 metric ton) Carver hydraulic laboratory pellet press.
- Accepts SPEX SamplePrep 13 mm Evacuable Pellet Die Set.
- Can be operated anywhere in the world, even under the most primitive conditions.
- Economical alternative to motorized presses for labs with a small sample load.
- Hardened steel buffer plate is engraved with concentric circlesand enables easy centering of the die.