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Same Site, Different Look. Spex SamplePrep is now Cole-Parmer.


SPEX SamplePrep provides disposable sample-handling accessories for powder and liquid XRF samples.

Powder samples for XRF can be pressed and protected in the Spec-Cap®, an aluminum cap for reinforcing pellets. Prep-Aid® binders can be blended with the sample to help form the sample pellet. For samples that need to be fused we offer a range of graphite crucibles that are designed to be used in muffle furnaces.

Liquid XRF samples can been run in our X-CELLS®. Different types of thin film, which serve as the sample window are offered for X-CELLS®. These XRF products listed save you time and money assuring reproducible, contamination-free results. Use the Accessory finder to find the right product for your application.  Bulk quantity discounts are available.

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